Project Description

Wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to develop in your jaws, often there is not enough space for them to erupt into the correct position like the other teeth in your mouth. They can vary in their position. One of the most common reasons you have been referred is that you’ve been having problems with your wisdom teeth. This may be due to pain, swelling or infection to the gum covering the wisdom tooth, also known pericoronitis. The wisdom tooth may also be decayed. You may also be getting food stuck around your wisdom teeth.Some wisdom teeth may have no symptoms but there may be a problem developing or there is high risk of a problem developing that you may be unaware of.

There is strong evidence to show that wisdom teeth that are mesially or horizontally positioned that have not erupted fully have a high risk of decay occurring within the wisdom tooth and also to the tooth in front. If left alone the decay may get to the extent that you may develop pain from both teeth. If the tooth in front is decayed it will need to be repaired by the Dentist after the wisdom tooth has been extracted.

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